Monday 20 February 2017

Virtual Teacher

I am from the dark ages...... not quite quill pen and ink or chalk and slate, but ....imagine a world where the internet doesn't exist, Google hasn't been invented!    Homework was something you did with Library card in hand and plain old research, the old fashioned way.
Not so for today's generation, knowledge is at their fingertips,   All today's student needs is an internet connection and a click of the mouse, no need for endless photocopied pages of the encyclopedia Britannica, coffee shops and libraries offering free wifi they have it so good!

Soooooo if that wasnt enough, let's take it a step further imagine a virtual learning platform, a place where your proximity to a learning establishment matters not!  Sure, there was Open University and distance learning before, but, lets take it a step further.  Picture this.....

Imagine a world where children or adults learn virtually, progress and accuracy reviewed and marked online, this is not a futuristic goal.... this is out there, this is happening now!  Enter Nearpod.

Let's take a look at what good ole Wikipedia has to say about all this..
"An educational cross platform app that allows teachers to create and share interactive lessons with their students.  The software provides tools for both students and teachers.  Teachers can download multimedia lessons from the Nearpod content store or create their own.  Lesson content can include previously created slides, embedded videos, audio, images, text, PDF's, twitter streams and virtual field trips.

Nearpod offers 3 primary features:-

*  Library of interacttive lessons.  The multimedia lessons align to common core standards and are authored by educators and various publishers.

*  Teachers can create Nearpod lessons on the Nearpod platform or by uploading previously created power point slides, google slides or PDF's into the presentations.

*  Teachers can share lessons with student devices and guide the interaction and pace of the lesson by selecting shared slides"

What's not to like right?  Instead of me writing about what Nearpod could do to improve the students learning experience, why don't you review the below video clip instead.

There are endless possibilities with nearpod.  Used as a tool for learning and revision, for both teachers and parents or guardians.  So who's the target audience........imagine the following scenarios:-

1.  A parent using Nearpod to carry out checks on how their child is doing in a particular subject at school.  Or simply as a revision tool before tests or exams.

2.  Teachers offering out of hours extra curricular activities.  Teachers could connect with an entire classroom on line.  Proximity to a learning establishment or school no longer an issue.

3.  A child with a long term illness would no longer need to worry about catching up with lessons on return to school.  All lessons could be uploaded using Nearpod and the teacher could review the child's progress on line and would be able to gauge where the pupil would require more or less revision or assistance.

Imagine the power of Nearpod in remote areas or third world countries, war torn areas where schools exist only as rubble..... if only we could master the art of water powered internet eh.....imagine the possibilities...... maybe one day... remember there was once a world without google.

So how about we give this thing a go...... putting together a brief lesson using nearpod.....


That very basic Nearpod lesson took 4 minutes to throw together, using previously created  presntations, dragging pictures and you tube videos this is a teachers best friend.

So we know that Nearpod is user friendly, we love the concept........ but nothing is prefect right........

So let us review the negatives.........but the Pros first.  But just to be clear, Nearpod is a good piece of kit!!!

  • free
  • high level of student engagement
  • high initial “coolness” factor
  • easy to use
  • available for all device types
  • excellent for formative assessment
  • promotes team dynamic
  • Some services are available only with paid upgrade. Integrated web content is the thing I find most lacking in the free version.
  • The “coolness” factor can wear off after a few exposures to the tech.
  • The app doesn’t easily allow for anonymity of responses.
  • There is potential for time management problems with some question types.
  • If you have a slow wireless connection in your building (or a spotty cell phone network connection), you could spend time waiting for slides to load.
  • team building
  • informal assessment
  • formative assessment
  • limited response questions
  • increasing engagement

Best for
ReferencesFerlazzo, L. (2014, April 14). Response: “Simply putting tech in front of students won't engage them.” Education Week . Retrieved from, N., & Fisher, D. (2013). Teaching with tablets: How do I integrate tablets with effective instruction? Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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